Food Wars

Ah food wars, the show that gets you fired up to cook your meal. Normally a daunting task but with the idea going through your mind that you are the main protagonist you begin acting like you know what you’re doing and like him you believe this dish will be amazing. But unlike the protagonist you probably can’t cook on his level.

About the Show

So who is this protagonist? Well it is none other than Soma Yukihira, a diner chef who has been taught by his dad. Whilst he has the charisma and drive to become a great chef he wouldn’t be able to do so just by staying within the diner. So his dad makes him go to Totsuki Culinary school, the best school in Tokyo in regards to food! And he made a hell of an entrance by telling everyone he will become the top chef there and won’t lose to anyone.

Now to achieve his goal he will have to become the top seat in the Elite 10. The Elite 10 are all students who are far above the rest, these students are able to govern and control the school essentially, so you can get a rough idea at how amazing/important these characters are! Now you should get the gist of the show so hopefully I haven’t ruined anything for you.

There is a huge reason why Yukihira wants to become the best chef and from what I’ve watched it’s because one, he wants to beat his dad (finally) and two, because that is who he is. He is willing to fight for other people who needs it and looks out for everyone.(Spoiler) Wouldn’t expect much else from the son of the Former second seat! Mind blown right! But what else did you expect?

Here’s some question you’re probably asking if you watch the show. Will Yukihira ever become an Elite 10? Will he be expelled anytime soon? Will Mito put more clothes on? (Hope not). Well let’s keep watching and find out!

Best Characters

With a huge range of characters here are a few of my favourites!

The future of Food Wars

This is rather complicated as season 4 was released in the summer of 2018 but really they attached the season to the end of Season 3 known as ‘the third plate. So is there going to be a Season 4? Nobody knows at the moment but it looks like the summer of 2019 is a potential release date! (Yes a lot of anime shows say that lol) I am running out of episodes so if anyone has any news let us know down below!

Happy to Serve!


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